Course curriculum

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    Becoming a Certified Foundational Practitioner in the Art of Jin Shin

    • Welcome!

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    Section 1: Beginnings

    • Introduction

    • History & Philosophy

    • Getting Started

    • Mapping the Fingers

    • The 36 Divine Breaths

    • Safety Energy Locations Pt. 1

    • Safety Energy Locations Pt. 2

    • The First Three

    • The 12 Organ Flows

    • The 12 Organ Flows Pt. 2

    • The Mudras

    • Mini Flows & Quickies (Holds)

    • Symptoms

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    Section 2: The Core

    • Course Intro & Introduction to Jin Shin

    • The Beginnings of Jin Shin Jyutsu

    • Chapter 1 - What is the Art of Jin Shin

    • Chapter 2 - Energy

    • Chapter 3 - The First Three

    • Chapter 3 (demo) - Jumper Cable Energy

    • Chapter 4 - Three Lines Chest Waist Hip

    • Chapter 5 - Safety Energy Locations

    • Chapter 6 - The Depths

    • Chapter 7 - Organ Function Energy Flows

    • Chapter 7 (demo) - How Organ Flows Cycle Through the Body in 24 Hours

    • Chapter 8 - Listening to Pulse, Scanning the Body, and Body Reading

    • Chapter 8 (demo)- Safety Energy Locations

    • Chapter 9 - (Part 1) Sequences & Adjustments

    • Chapter 9 - (Part 2) Organ Flows

    • Chapter 10 - Practical Advice for Beginning Practitioners

    • Chapter 11 - Self Help

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    Section 3: Online Workshops

    • Body Reading Workshop

    • Pulse Listening Workshop

    • Pulse Listening Workshop P2

    • SEL Chart for Pulse Listening

    • Pulse Depth Chart

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    Section 4: Case Studies

    • Case Studies

    • Case Studies Worksheet

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    Section 5: Application

    • JSI Multiple Choice Exam

    • Complete the JSI Written Essay

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    Section 6: Interview

    • Final Step: Interview